This week Blazin-Aces had there Christmas festival and every night got a great turn out with the €250 & €100 events both selling out. I played four of the events and came 2nd in the Tuesday night event (€30+10 scalps event) and Won the Friday night game (round of NLH & PLO). For some reason almost every player in the tournament bitched about the round of Omaha but yet when they double or treble up they love it. When we got down to the final 3 players we were the only 3 that actually enjoyed the tournament, not because we got in the money but because we enjoy all forms of poker. God help us if it was a H.O.R.S.E event..!!!
On the online front I played a few small Ipoker tournaments and cashed in most of them and Played a bit of PLO cash on a few accounts I had balances in. I plan to clear them all out over the next few weeks and just play the one Ipoker account as I don't see the point in playing an account with inferior rake especially with cash games. Its just throwing money away.
Regarding my 2009 PLO cash challenge I'm not sure if I should just Play Ipoker or also play Fulltilt as I find that on Ipoker every day its the same players and there is very little new names popping up. Maybe I should play both..!!! I just don't know. If I play both I can't see myself moving up levels on both sites as quickly as I would only be putting in half the hours on each.
I was also a bit mad thinking of moving up levels with 35 buy In's, so this will now be 55 with the 5 used for taking shots upwards..maybe still a bit mad but hey, God loves a try'er.
On a personal note 2009 is only a few weeks away and this means starting back playing golf and trying to get fit. Not overly looking forward to playing golf in the middle of the winter but I used to enjoy it years ago so I'm gonna try and get back into it. The getting fit bit scares the hell out of me as I haven't done any exercise in 10yrs and I'm so lazy, but I know it has to be done so maybe that part of the blog will be more fun to read than the poker side. 2009 is a big year for me also because I have a planning application in to build a new house on an amazing site I own overlooking the river and its set in a forest. The only problem is that its costing a fortune due to some idiot in the local planning department that thinks I need to put in a new road that is 1.3km and will cost €60k. The main road is only 100m away (and would cost €5k) from another entrance but it "techinally dosent fit into there regulations". People wonder why this country is in such a mess....idiots like that is why.
Anyway that's all for now, got to do do some Christmas shopping.
3 months ago