Christmas is More or less over and the New Year is drawing closer. Usually I make some resolutions and by the first week of the New Year is over I have given up on most of them. This year needs to be different as I plan on building my new house this year and its kind of hard getting a mortgage when you play poker for a living. I think I play equally well in both live cash and tournaments but 99% of my poker is cash as it is a regular income. For 2010 I am going to play more tournaments to see if I can get decent cash and pay for the walls and roof. I also need to seal up the leaks in my game of which I have 3. I tilt like CRAZY in live and online cash, I play way to many hands online and I tilt like CRAZY. So 2010 means play more tournaments and Stop tilting while playing cash.
Since my last post I travelled to Galway for the IPC weekend and I was quite profitable but how it could have and should have been so different. I played the (€300+30) Super sat for the main event and played perfect poker but as usual got sucked out on 3 hands in a row when getting my chips all-in while ahead each time but that’s tournament poker. I then played cash for the rest of the weekend which was always my plan if I didn’t get a main event ticket. So Thursday night I made a €30profit after 8hrs of 1-2-5 PLO and that at least paid for my sat entry. Friday I played some NLH and PLO and was up €550 for the night, again after a 10hour session but happy with the profit. Then on to Saturday.... eventful to say the least. I had a good sleep and bath before returning to the Radisson to play cash again for the night and when I arrived there was a good €2-2-5 PLO game going so I sat in with €500 and built it up to €950 but by this time the game had evolved into a €2-2-5-10-20 PLO game and everyone on the table had between €1-3k so it was very deep. So anyway I get AAJ10 double suited and I’m in the big blind. By the time it gets to me its €300 to go with 2 players so I shove for €950 and get 1 caller. I hate AA but what do I do? Call and see a flop or fold or push. Anyway I get to the river ahead and he hits a straight so shit happens.
I reload for €700 and get it up to €1000 when the next hand happens.... And I have to say the most amazing hand I’ve ever played. I get A 5 2 6 double suited in the big blind and I haven’t played a hand for over an hour at this stage and it is now costing €75+ to see any flop. So I decide to play this hand (I know I shouldn’t but I do as everyone is turning over total muck to claim €1-2k pots) Anyway its €40 to see a flop and the flop comes K 4 3 rainbow and there is 4 of us in the pot so I check utg bets €150, other guy calls third guy calls and its back to me.. I got any A 2 5 6 for a straight so I Raise to €900 leaving me €57 left. First 2 guys fold and it’s back to the last guy which is gambling like hell but I think he puts me on slow playing Top set as I have played super tight all night. Anyway he calls the €900 so there is like €2,500 in the pot and I have €57 left. Turn comes a J which is no help to me so I check and he checks and the river comes a Q (and I mutter “YES”), I then instant Shove the €57 into the €2.5k pot and he Instant folds................ what the F**k, he folded for €57 and everyone on the table is in total shock. I turn over my Ace high hand to pull in the €2,500 pot and I am genuinely in total shock. He then pulls his hand from the much and turns over Q 2 5 6 for a pair of Queens. I stack my chips and put my jacket on and I have to go for a long walk to calm can he fold? How?. Anyway After another hour I decide that My head is just not with the game any more and by this stage it was costing €150+ to see a flop it was way out of my league so I cash out for a profit of €1300 and head to bed. My plan was to play Sunday also but I really was drained after the 3 x 12hr sessions and was happy with my profit for the weekend as I should have been down €1k if that guy called the €57 river bet. So I had a nice breakfast and headed back to Waterford up €1,600 after hotels and food etc.
Since then I have played 2 other live games in Waterford the first night up €500 and the second night down €400 so Happy with the weeks work before Christmas. Tomorrow in Waterford we have a €150 NLH F/O in the Olympus club and there should be 60+ runners for this so I am going to give this 100% and see what happens. If I don’t get any luck in the tournament then there is sure to be some very good cash action after it so either way it will be a long night but I’m looking forward to it.
3 months ago